The Story Trader

Dear Traders,

Congratulations on your victory over the Attention Seeker. Your storytelling performance demonstrated true courage.  Since we began our journey only a short time ago, you have demonstrated increasing degrees of skill. Already you have:

1. Used your investigative skills to interpret a visual source, the Map of Tales End

2. Found new stories for the forgotten objects of Tales End forgot and shared them with me, capturing my full attention.

3. Told stories to an unforgiving audience, demonstrating  your courage and your ability to think on your feet under pressure.

Your next challenge requires you to listen and what you are about to hear may surprise you.

Attached are 3 sound files which feature voices from the people of Tales End.  The files capture parts of stories from Tales End, beginnings without endings, problems without solutions, answers without questions. Use the Given Circumstances to learn as much as you can and then work together to complete the story.

The stakes are higher for Tales End, Traders, but you have earned my Attention and have been able to keep it.

Together we can achieve anything.

Residents of Tales End